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Sylvans Revealed

Faery Servant

As magical creatures of the forest, Faeries share an instinctual connection with a variety of plants and animals. This connection allows them several abilities, which make them a common sight in Sylvan bases.

The most significant is their ability to plant a seed, and influence it into growing a usable building. Although this still takes some time, an Aether Tower, for example, can be grown as quickly by the coaxing of a Faerie as by the infernal magics of The Accursed. Traps can also be grown with this ability in much the same manner. In addition, using their empathic link with even the smallest plants or creatures in the soil, they can sense the placement of traps. By influencing these creatures, they can disarm traps with relative ease.

Although Faeries are extremely fragile, and are kept as far from combat as possible, both their construction abilities and trap detection make them crucial components of the Sylvan forces.
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