Unlike Dark Elven and Accursed traps, Sylvan traps are not
primarily offensive. In fact, the only truly offensive Sylvan
"trap" is a completely natural plant that the Sylvans cultivate
for military use.
The Gas Blossom is a naturally occurring plant indigenous
to some of the swampier areas of Sylvan territory. This
plant has limited sensory capability, and as part of its
natural defenses, shoots out a cloud of corrosive gas when
it senses its natural predators nearby.
In its original form, the Gas Blossom was hardly usable
as a trap -- after all, the gas it emitted was only a
mild irritant, and the Blossom didn't grow outside the
swamp. However, after years of careful breeding, the
Sylvans have cultivated a Gas Blossom that not only can
grow outside the swamp, but emits the corrosive gas in
now-fatal concentrations. Although a Gas Blossom could
theoretically emit enormous amounts of gas over its
lifetime, it only possesses a limited store, and doesn't
regenerate in a time frame that is useful to a battle.
The Spirit Eye is a tiny plant spirit, which Faeries can
draw into the world at will. Once summoned, these spirits
watch over an area, and telepathically communicate what
they see to other Sylvan forces. Spirit Eyes are used in
large quantities to help bolster Sylvan reconnaissance.
Although the Hidden Teleporter doesn't actually cause
damage to enemy forces, it is one of the most feared traps
that the Sylvans deploy. When enemy units step onto a
Hidden Teleporter, they are instantly whisked off to a
predetermined location nearby. Often, Teleporters are
configured to help split up enemy forces, by whisking some
out of the battle, allowing the Sylvans to divide and
conquer their foes. Other times, clever Wardens will
configure Teleporters to send enemy troops right into
tactically weak (read: deadly) positions, such as being
surrounded by dozens of Rangers and several Weatherstones.
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