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Dark Elves Revealed

Chaos Djinn

Devious and unpredictable to the extreme, Chaos Djinns are respected and feared across the land. Sometimes as old as the earth itself, the reclusive Djinns have largely ignored the affairs of those they consider to be lesser races... until recently. For reasons unknown, the Sultan of the Djinns forged some manner of alliance with the Dark Elves. One end of the bargain was that Cabalists would be able to call upon Chaos Djinns for aid at any time during the next one thousand and one years. One can only imagine what the Dark Elves gave the Sultan in return. Was it an artifact of unbelievable power? A library of forbidden, lost knowledge? Or was the Sultan merely struck by a whim, as his people are from time to time? Who can say? Not once in memory have the Chaos Djinns become involved in mortal affairs. Now they are seen on a daily basis leading airborne assaults upon fortified island strongholds, or raiding deep within enemy territory, razing crucial strategic targets.

The Djinn's true power is manifested in its ability to conjure a billowing sandstorm that sweeps across the land, flaying its victims to death. Most structures are not designed to withstand the desert's worst, and quickly fall to this attack. Since the power of the attack comes from both air and earth, the sandstorm attack isn't a viable air to air attack method. Fortunately, the Chaos Djinns can use their magic to fire chaos bolts, similar to but not as pure as those used by the Chaos Elemental.

Typically used to provide support against ground units, or in laying siege to island fortifications, Djinns are primarily used to crack open enemy defenses and clear the path for waves of other troops to finish the job. Djinns also have a unique advantage in that they can hide behind ledges or treacherous terrain while slowly eating away at their foes with abrasive sandstorms.

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