Fred Wilson Joel Steudler Joe Poppa Rob Chilcott Tom Cadwell Martin Snyder
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Gone are the days of a computer savant creating and distributing a computer game all by him or herself. Today's entertainment software market is dominated by large production teams, hordes of programmers and artists, and budgets measured in millions of dollars. What was once an art is, more often than not, now a business. Though the number of titles per year have skyrocketed, the number of titles that are remembered as great games has only become lower and lower with every passing year. The few titles that are remembered as great works are often (with a few notable exceptions) created by small development teams. We hope to join this tradition and, rather than mourn the ever-decreasing flow of truly superlative games, prove that great ideas and a devoted but small team can still live up to the lofty standards of classics like Archon, Doom and others.

Ethermoon was created to build professional quality games that are first and foremost fun to play. We measure our success in the acclaim given to us by the gaming community, not in the profits that we can report to shareholders or parent companies. Since we are Internet gamers ourselves, we know the features that are important to Real-Time Strategy fanatics.

In order to best accomplish our goals, we have foregone relationships with the publishing and financial communities. Without the distractions and "release pressure" such relationships create, we are able to completely focus our energies on production.

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©2000-2021 Ethermoon Entertainment. All rights reserved.
Strifeshadow, Ethermoon Entertainment and their respective logos are trademarks of Martin Snyder